The Role of the School Principal in School Management During a Demographic Crisis


The aim of this article is to point out the significance of the effects of the demographic decline experienced by a lot of schools in Poland and to indicate the importance of the tasks of a school principal in effective school management. Polish educational institutions must deal with the threat of closing facilities, constantly reducing the number of students, and the necessity of discharging teachers. The only chance for schools of different types is to fight for the quality of educational services and for new students, to broaden the education offered, and to reach out to a wider audience of potential customers. Until recently, the existence of a market economy in the environment of school had no effect on its daily functioning. Today, a shortage of students has reflected the fact that schools operate in a competitive environment. These factors point directly to the increasing role of marketing in educational activities.

Authors and Affiliations

Izabela Cytlak, Joanna Jarmużek


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How To Cite

Izabela Cytlak, Joanna Jarmużek (2016). The Role of the School Principal in School Management During a Demographic Crisis. Studia Zarządzania i Finansów Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej w Poznaniu, 10(), 127-142.