The Role of Urban City Establishment Policy to Social and Economics Growth at KecamatanSamarindaSeberang, Lao JananIlir and PalaranSamarinda City East Kalimantan
Journal Title: Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences - Year 2018, Vol 3, Issue 6
Abstract:The objective of this study is to understand the appropriateness of SamarindaSeberang, Loa Jananilir and Palaran District to be supporting city/urban for East Kalimantan capital which is Samarinda. The research result shows: there are 10 people’s attention focus that become the attention priority about the sustainable urban city importance. There are 5 important things related to the plan of urban city establishment and the following is known from hypothesis result: there is no significant influence of central city to urban city, there is no significant influence of social factor to the establishment of urban city, there is no significant influence of economic factor to the establishment of urban city, there is no significant influence of politic factor to the establishment of urban city, there is no significant influence of land factor to the establishment of urban city, there is no significant factor of social factor to the establishment of urban city. There is significant influence of social factor to the establishment of urban city and from all of the predictors available only social factor that have a significant contribution to the establishment of urban city. These research recommend: sustainable urban city should involve society social factor in planning process of sustainable urban city blueprint. Local government should prioritize its attention to the importance of sustainable urban city. Infrastructure development acceleration is needed, by shifting priority scale to sustainable urban city area with a more appropriate budget portion corresponding to the capability of APBD, pay attention to environment impact analysis in giving business recommendation that will be conducted in certain area. Designing spatial city plan and transportation, planning activity function zone system in city’s area and supporting district. Designing waste disposal system and environment friendly waste that could be recycled, and designing flood controlling system by making cannals and avoiding river reclamation that is done without appropriate planning and pay attention to sustainable environment impact analysis. Keywords: Urban City, Infrastructure Development, Environment Impact Analysis, Spatial, Flood Controlling.
Authors and Affiliations
Havidz Aima, W. Hary Susilo, Syachrumsyah Asri
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