The Settlement of Human Rights Violations Towards Indonesian Marintime Workers in Chinese Ship
Journal Title: International Journal of Social Science And Human Research - Year 2022, Vol 5, Issue 11
Indonesia is the third largest contributor for Marintime Workers after China and Philiphine. The reason for those Indonesian Marintime Workers to work in the foreign ship is to have a decent standard of living. However, those workers are still having to encounter inhumane treatment such as slavery, exploitation, and discrimination from their employers. These inhumane treatment toward Indonesian Marintime Workers in Chinese ship is closely related to the Human Rights Violations. Human Rights is the rights inhereted to all human beings since they were in the womb (in a living state) until they are dead and could not be obstructed by others. Therefore, this should be the government responsibility to settle the matter. In order to settle those inhumane treatment towards the Indonesian Marintime Workers, Indonesian Government could implemented the 3 requirement of diplomatic asylum which is An Internation Wrong, Exhaustion of Local Remidies, Link of Nationality as well as delegated a representative agency to sue the employers through legal action and call into court based on precondition of the investigation results which refers to the Indonesia Labor Law as well as International Labor Law.
Authors and Affiliations
Aprilia Dewi Putri, Joko Setiyono
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