The Significance of Garbage Dump 'Smiljevići' in Ecological Health
Journal Title: Quality Procedings - Year 2019, Vol 11, Issue
The impact of the Smiljevići garbage dump on the environment and on the health of the population living in the immediate area as well as in the wider area of Sarajevo was examined in this paper.All the waste collected in Sarajevo Canton is brought to the city's garbage dump Smiljevići, with a total area of 60ha.Waste water, from the entire dumpwhichis contaminated with chemical and biological pollutants,isreleased directly into the Lepenički potok, which then flows into the river Bosna. Waste water purification system has never been put into operation. Waste wateris contaminated with chemical and biological contaminants and presents a danger to the surrounding population that uses the water from the Lepenički steam for irrigation.The garbage dump releases source emissions of harmful substances that could come from mobile sources such as vehicles carrying out waste disposal, as well as from immovable sources, including facilities within the garbage dump. Air pollution is particularly dangerous to the population living near the garbage dump.
Authors and Affiliations
Nedžad Prazina, Moer Mahmutović, Sejfo Papić, Safet Velić
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