The Situation of Index Finger at Pray
Journal Title: Marife Dini Araştırmalar Dergisi - Year 2018, Vol 18, Issue 1
From time to time, it is witnessed that Muslims who practice prayers in the same stage have different applications about the fingers of the right hand at the time of the promulgation. In fact, it is easy to understand when and how your finger was raised and to which denomination it belongs. Where do these differences come from, even though these people believing in the same prophet who say "perform the prayer as you see me,"? As it is known, the Qur'an mentions the essentials of prayer and does not get into details. The details of this subject are the accounts of mevkuf, which are the words of the companions in the hadiths. Of course the Muslim's will is to pray as the Prophet did; because when it is done like this, Muslims can reach their purpose. How Muslims must pray can be course be understood from the prophet’s prayer and his recipes and his companionship’s practises. Hadiths are the basic criteria in this regard. In this article, we can see that the situation of hands and fingers made during the pray without entering divisional different points of views and we will investigate which of these movements in the meantime are more appropriate for the hadiths.
Authors and Affiliations
Mustafa Karabacak
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