The small strain stiffness from bender elements tests for clayey soils


The shear modulus of soils at small strain (G0) is one of the input parameters in a finite element analysis with the hardening soil model with small strain stiffness, required in the advanced numerical analyses of geotechnical engineering problems. The small strain stiffness can be determined based on the seismic wave velocities measured in the laboratory and field tests, but the interpretation of test results is still under discussion because of many different factors affecting the measurements of the wave travel time. The recommendations and proposed solutions found in the literature are helpful as a guide, but ought to be adopted with a certain measure of care and caution on a case-by-case basis. The equipment, procedures, tests results and interpretation analyses of bender elements (BE) tests performed on natural overconsolidated cohesive soils are presented.

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  • EP ID EP598179
  • DOI 10.2478/sggw-2018-0028
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How To Cite

KATARZYNA MARKOWSKA-LECH, WOJCIECH SAS, MARIUSZ LECH, ALOJZY SZYMAŃSKI (2018). The small strain stiffness from bender elements tests for clayey soils. Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW. Land Reclamation, 50(4), 353-371.