The somatic and motoric development of polish Warmia and Mazury residing first class junior high school pupils in the light of similar Kujawy and Pomorze region research

Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2010, Vol 20, Issue 50


[b]Aim of the Research.[/b] The assessment of somatic and motoric development of Polish Warmia and Mazury residing first class junior high school pupils and the comparison of the obtained results with the ones found in a similar Kujawy and Pomorze region Research.[b]Material and Methods.[/b] The empirical basis for the presented analysis and a follow-up discusssion has been formed on the grounds of the research of 1566 girls and 1537 boys (born in 1992), residents in the Warmia and Mazury region attending the first classes of the local junior high schools in the fall term of 2005/2006 and the results of a similar research carried out in the Kujawy and Pomorze region. Both researches were carried out with zastothe application of the diagnostic survey method. The somatic development was established on the grounds of the height and the body mass of the pupils and the motoric one – with the application of the International Test of Physical Efficiency.[b]Conclusions. [/b]The analysis of the collected data shows that the somatic development of the pupils from the Warmia and Mazury region approximates the results obtained in the research carried out in the Kujawy and Pomorze region. At the same time, both the boys and the girls from the Warmia and Mazury region revealed in most of the attempts a higher level of motoric efficiency when compared to their peers from the Kujawy and Pomorze region.

Authors and Affiliations

Marzena Jurgielewicz-Urniaż, Jerzy Urniaż


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How To Cite

Marzena Jurgielewicz-Urniaż, Jerzy Urniaż (2010). The somatic and motoric development of polish Warmia and Mazury residing first class junior high school pupils in the light of similar Kujawy and Pomorze region research. Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences, 20(50), 55-62.