The Someş Plateau – Regional Identity
Journal Title: Romanian Review of Regional Studies - Year 2009, Vol 5, Issue 1
The Someş Plateau, situated in the North - North-Western part of the Transylvanian Depression, represents one of the most controversial geographical units as its extension and subunits are concerned. The causes of this aspect are contained in the lithological, morphological, and structural-tectonic differences present in the northern part of the Transylvanian tectonic basin, as well as in the orientation of the spatial interrelation vectors and of their gravitation towards corridors, axes, or polarizing centres, defining for a functional territorial system. The critical analysis of the predecessors’ opinions leads us towards the individualization of the morphologic nucleus of the Someş Plateau, consisting of the Cluj and Dej Hills, as well as the Şimişna Hills, in the arc of the circle shaped by the corridors of the Nadăş (Căpuş) – Someşul Mic – Someş rivers, to which a trans-Someş compartment is attached, made of the Purcăreţ-Boiu Mare Plateau and the Sălătruc Hills. All these subunits gravitate, naturally and anthropically, towards the above-mentioned river corridor, forming a systemic type functional unit.
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