The Sources and Evolution of the Swedish Attitude Towards Informational Security
Journal Title: Kwartalnik "Bellona" - Year 2019, Vol 696, Issue 1
The conflict between Russia and Ukraine in 2014 not only had ignited the reconsideration of security and threat perceptions of European countries, but also forced governments to put in doubts their ability to tackle hostile propaganda and disinformation campaigns. One of the most noticeable evolutions in that sphere was observed in Sweden, which developed a multilayer system based on total defence concept and the whole-society approach.<br/>The author of this article states that the Swedish conception is a product of specific conditions, mainly Swedish historical experiences, social and political factors, media system as well as existing security policies rather than top-to-bottom planned governmental project. Further, the author analyzes determinants of constituting and establishing of such system, adresses the evolution process of institutional measures and, finally, presents the components of the contemporary system of disinformation countermeasures.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Małgorzata Zawadzka
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