The Spanish Attempt of Invading Engalnd and the Vanquishing of ,,The Spanish Armada” – 1588
Journal Title: Analele Universitatii Ovidius Constanta Seria Istorie - Year 2006, Vol 3, Issue 0
Filip II of Spain had been co-monarch of England until the death of his wife Mary I in 1558. A devout Roman Catholic, he considered Protestant Queen Elizabeth a heretic and illegitimate ruler of England. He had previously supported plots to have her overthrown in favour of her Catholic cousin Mary, Queen of Scots, but was thwarted when Elizabeth had Mary imprisoned, and finally executed in 1587. In addition, Elizabeth, who sought to advance the cause of Protestantism where possible, had supported the Dutch Revolt against Spain. In retaliation, Philip planned an expedition to invade and conquer England, thereby suppressing support for the United Provinces — that part of the low Countries that had successfully seceded from Spanish rule — and cutting off attacks by the English against Spanish possession in the New World and against the Atlantic treasure fleets. The king was supported by Pope Sixtus V, who treated the invasion as a crusade with the promise of a further subsidy should the Armada make land.
Authors and Affiliations
Olimpiu Manuel Glodarenco, Ionel Dan Ciocoiu
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