The specificity of lifestyle in Zamosc – an interdisciplinary approach
Journal Title: Barometr Regionalny. Analizy i Prognozy - Year 2011, Vol 2011, Issue 1
In numerous psychological theories we can see the comparison between urban and rural life style (Wirth, Milgram, Barker, Levine, Wiseman et al.). Undoubtedly these differences are also apparent between towns. This article aims to demonstrate the specific life style of students in Zamosc and research of perception in the consciousness of city residents. The study uses soft indicators grouped into four dimensions: the pace of life, environmental stress, social relationships and the preferences of public space. It was concluded that the character of the urban environment in Zamosc has a low overload, and therefore is healthy for the human psyche. Inhabitants live slower, often use with public space, and their social relationships are stronger. The tool developed for this research obtained a very high discriminatory power (0.898).
Authors and Affiliations
Bartłomiej Iwańczak
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