Journal Title: Medical Science Pulse - Year 2016, Vol 10, Issue 4


Background: Malignant neoplasms constitute significant danger to humans on a global scale. However, the effects of oncological therapies continue to be unsatisfactory. In order to improve the treatment results, new or additional therapeutic and preventative methods are being researched. One of such methods is physical activity, carefully chosen and executed in safe conditions. Its values include: low cost, availability, safety and lack of side effects. Aim of the study: Assessing the current state of physical activity and the knowledge of its effect on health among oncological patients. Material and methods: The study was conducted on a population of 57 oncological patients using the diagnostic survey method with own questionnaire. Results: In the study population, 55 patients (96.49%) did different types of physical activity. 43 (75.44%) patients had proper knowledge on the lack of counter indicators for physical activity. 50 (87.72%) patients felt very good and good after completing physical exercise. Doing a physical activity had positive effect on the attitude of oncological patients, strengthening their resolve in achieving goals, improving their quality of life, helping them feel positive emotions and improving their relations with others. Conclusions: The studied oncological patients did different types of physical activity. They had positive attitude towards exercises, which in turn had positive effect on their social attitudes. Good mood after completing physical exercise stimulated them to continue being physically active.

Authors and Affiliations

Joanna Syrytczyk, Anna Pilis, Wiesław Pilis, Sławomir Letkiewicz


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  • EP ID EP186611
  • DOI 10.5604/20812021.1225351
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How To Cite

Joanna Syrytczyk, Anna Pilis, Wiesław Pilis, Sławomir Letkiewicz (2016). THE STATE OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND ITS PERCEPTION IN ONCOLOGICAL PATIENTS. Medical Science Pulse, 10(4), 8-14.