The Study of Clinico-epidemiological Features of Dengue Cases Admitted in Tertiary Care Hospital, Latur, Maharashtra
Background: Dengue infections may be asymptomatic or may lead to,-“classical” dengue fever or dengue hemorrhagic fever without shock, or dengue hemorrhagic fever with shock. Dengue fever and its severe forms have become major public health concerns. Over past three decades, there is dramatic global increase in the frequency of dengue fever and its severe forms.Objectives: 1) To study socio demographic characteristics of dengue patients admitted in Tertiary Care Hospital, Latur. 2) To study the seasonal variations of dengue and outcome of dengue patients admitted in Tertiary Care Hospital. Methodology: This is cross-sectional record-based study conducted in a Tertiary Care Hospital, Latur. Required data from all dengue positive cases by Rapid visual test from 2011 to 2013 like age, sex, residence, clinical features, investigations etc. was collected from Medical Records Department (MRD) and analyzed. Statistical analysis: Percentages, median, range. Results: This study included 190 patients. Majority were males, 121(63.68%) and in the age group of 15-44 years, 99(52.10%) and majority belonging to Latur district, 132(69.23%). Maximum number of cases was seen in 2012, i.e.90 (47.37%) and most of the cases occurred during September-December months. Fever was present in all the cases i.e.(100%), followed by body ache (62 %). , headache (50%) vomiting (48%), and abdominal pain (40%). Majority of the cases presented with dengue fever, i.e.166 (87.37%), followed by 16(8.42%)) dengue hemorrhagic fever, and 8 (4.21%) with dengue shock syndrome. Most common clinical complications was ARDS, 13(6.84%). Two patients of renal failure were referred to higher centre .Deaths were reported in 10(5.26%) patients. Conclusion: Dengue is the most common infection causing mortality and morbidity mainly among productive age group. Early diagnosis and treatment, vector control measures should be strengthened and community awareness should be increased, during peri-monsoon period. Every case of fever should visit physician immediately to prevent complications.
Authors and Affiliations
Kendre Varsharani V , Chinte L. T , Shekde S. D
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