The study of images self-similarity using the method of fractal analysis

Journal Title: Barometr Regionalny. Analizy i Prognozy - Year 2011, Vol 2011, Issue 1


Evaluation of the complexity of test images can be realized e.g. using fractal analysis which provides a quantitative measure in the form of fractal dimension. This parameter is closely related to the Hurst exponent, which describes the level of image self-similarity. In the article the results of self-similarity of images observed in nature, images depicting the effects of human activity and the texture have been presented, where the box-counting method in order to estimate the fractal dimension was used. The results obtained showed that the Hurst parameter can be used for classification of images belonging to such categories that in the study were used.

Authors and Affiliations

Zbigniew Omiotek


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How To Cite

Zbigniew Omiotek (2011). The study of images self-similarity using the method of fractal analysis. Barometr Regionalny. Analizy i Prognozy, 2011(1), 93-105.