The study of the acute toxicity in mice after administration of a phytosubstance glycosides of phenolic compounds from Vaccinum vitis-ideaea leaves in combination with arginine amino acid
Journal Title: Клінічна фармація; Клиническая фармация - Year 2019, Vol 23, Issue 3
At the stage of the primary pharmacological screening the determination of the toxicity class of the phytosubstances with different qualitative and quantitative composition proposed as promising products for creating pharmacological medicines is the first step of preclinical studies, which purpose is to obtain results on toxicity and possible negative effects of the substance studied on the body of experimental animals in short-term effects of high doses of the drug. Aim. To study the acute toxicity of the lead-compound in mice after intragastric administration. Materials and methods. The object of the study was a modified neogalenical phytosubstance obtained from Vaccinum vitis-ideaea leaves. It is a complex of glycosides of phenolic compounds in combination with arginine amino acid. The acute toxicity was determined according to the methodological recommendations “Preclinical studies of medicinal products” edited by Stefanov O. V. on outbred mice weighing 20-26 g, adhering to the basic provisions of the Council of European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for Experimental and Other Scientific Purposes. Results. During the experimental study it was found that the lead-compound studied could be referred to relatively harmless substances (VI class according to Sydorov classification) as no signs of intoxication and lethality were detected when administering the intramuscular dose of 20000 mg/kg. Conclusions. The acute toxicity of the lead-compound has been studied with intramuscular administration of the dose of 20000 mg/kg.
Authors and Affiliations
K. V. Tsemenko, I. V. Kireyev, O. M. Koshovyi, K. S. Tolmachova
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