The study of the carbohydrate composition of hawthorn fruits

Journal Title: Вісник фармації - Year 2018, Vol 95, Issue 3


Carbohydrates, in particular monosaccharides, are necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. Therefore, the search for plant sources of available carbohydrates, such as glucose, fructose, arabinose, is relevant today.Aim. To determine the qualitative composition and the quantitative content of monosaccharides of hawthorn fruits. Materials and methods. Extraction of polysaccharides from the raw material was carried out with purified water in the ratio of the raw material – extractant of 1 : 10 and further treatment of the filtrate with 96 % ethyl alcohol. The preliminary identification of sugars was performed by paper chromatography (PC) after acid hydrolysis. The qualitative composition and the quantitative content of sugars were determined by the gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method on an Agilent 6890N/5973 inert device (Agilent Technologies, USA). The total sugars were isolated by acid hydrolysis using 2 M trifluoroacetic acid. For extraction of free sugars the mixture of methyl alcohol solution and the internal standard (the solution of sorbitol) was added to the powdered raw material.Results and discussion. As a result of chromatography (PC) with the reliable samples glucose and fructose were identified in the raw material. By the chromatography-mass spectrometry study the presence of 5 free sugars was detected, among them glucose (2.02 mg/g), fructose (2.21 mg/g) and sucrose (0.23 mg/g) were determined. After acidic hydrolysis arabinose (1.82 mg/g), xylose (3.88 mg/g), mannose (4.25 mg/g), glucose (5.57 mg/g) and galactose (1.31 mg/g) were identified.Conclusions. The composition of sugars in hawthorn fruit has been found. The highest content has been determined for fructose, glucose and mannose.

Authors and Affiliations

N. V. Sydora, А. М. Kovalyova, V. K. Iakovenko


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  • EP ID EP669168
  • DOI 10.24959/nphj.18.2203
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How To Cite

N. V. Sydora, А. М. Kovalyova, V. K. Iakovenko (2018). The study of the carbohydrate composition of hawthorn fruits. Вісник фармації, 95(3), 14-18.