The study of the sedative effect of “sedosten” extract


Various socio-psychological and biological factors lead to manifestations of the central nervous system disorders. The use of drugs of chemical origin for correction of the CNS disorders increases the risk of side effects. Therefore, it is more appropriate in this case to use herbal medicines, which are able to gently affect the body. Aim. To study the sedative effect of a new combined extract of “Sedosten” created at the Department of Industrial Pharmacy of the National University of Pharmacy (NPhU); it includes a complex of extracts of the following plant raw material: valerian roots, motherwort herb, horseradish herb and peony roots. Materials and methods. The study of the sedative effect of “Sedosten” extract and the reference drug – “Phytosed” capsules was performed using the “open field” test on 25 white rats weighing 180-200 g. Results. The highest overall sedative activity was observed when administering “Sedosten” extract in the dose of 100 mg/kg to the animals. By efficiency this dose exceeded the sedative effect of the reference drug – “Phytosed” capsules in the therapeutic dose of 100 mg/kg by 13 %. “Sedosten” in the dose of 100 mg/kg in relation to the intact control group significantly reduced the motor activity by 1.7 times, the orienting research response by 1.6 times, and completely reduced the emotional reactivity. Conclusions. Thus, “Sedosten” in the dose of 100 mg/kg exhibits a significant sedation effect at the level of 46.4 % and exceeds the sedative dose of 25 mg/kg, which is 21.9 %, by 2.1 times, in the dose of 50 mg/kg, which is 35.3 %, by 1.3 times and the sedative effect of “Phytosed” capsules in the dose of 100 mg/kg (33.3 %) by 1.4 times.

Authors and Affiliations

L. V. Galuzinska, O. S. Kukhtenko


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  • EP ID EP657672
  • DOI 10.24959/cphj.19.1489
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How To Cite

L. V. Galuzinska, O. S. Kukhtenko (2019). The study of the sedative effect of “sedosten” extract. Клінічна фармація; Клиническая фармация, 23(1), 26-29.