The substantiation of the necessary to observe the social justice in the course of reforming the territorial structure of Ukraine


<p><em>The object of research is the process of observing social justice in the course of reforming the territorial structure of Ukraine. The reform of local self-government, which significantly intensified over the last five years in the social and economic system of Ukraine, is implemented against the backdrop of euro-integration processes and the globalization of the economy, can’t but affect the results of decentralization of power. One of the important problems of the process of reforming the territorial structure of Ukraine is the observance of social justice when achieving an economic effect from activities that are being implemented.</em></p><p><em>During the research, theoretical and empirical methods and techniques were used, namely: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, logic theory, cognitive modeling, comparative studies, abstraction, formalization and structural decomposition, content analysis.</em></p><p><em>A number of new scientific results of varying degrees of novelty were obtained. Generalized and analyzed theoretical aspects of the worldview platform for reforming the territorial structure. It is proved that the implementation of foreign experience should take into account the mental specifics of Ukrainian society. A cognitive model of the cause-effect relationships between the economic and social components of the regional system is constructed. It proves the priority of the three-level construction of the state, in which the territorial communities are the basic link. The composition of the model of the economic system of the region proposed to include raw materials and human components, as well as the main means of production, as characteristics of the state of the economic system. It is calculated the tightness of the links between economic and social indicators, as an indicator of the observance of social justice in society.</em></p><p><em>The construction of a model of cause-effect relationships between the components of the socio-economic system of the region made it possible to prove that the notion of social justice is inseparable from the economic results of managing its primary links. Effective functioning of each of the territorial communities, as primary links in the administrative system of the region, is an indispensable condition for the formation of social standards of living of the population at the level of world analogues.</em></p>

Authors and Affiliations

Olena Krasnonosova, Daria Mykhailenko


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  • EP ID EP527490
  • DOI 10.15587/2312-8372.2018.141301
  • Views 113
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How To Cite

Olena Krasnonosova, Daria Mykhailenko (2018). The substantiation of the necessary to observe the social justice in the course of reforming the territorial structure of Ukraine. Технологический аудит и резервы производства, 4(5), 24-29.