[The Sweet Trouble on Our Tables, Genetically Modified Organisms and Their Effects on Public Health] Görüş [Opinion] Türk Biyokimya Dergisi [Turkish Journal of Biochemistry–Turk J Biochem] 2006; 31 (3) ; 151–155.
Journal Title: Türk Biyokimya Dergisi/Turkish Journal of Biochemistry - Year 2006, Vol 31, Issue 3
The incredibly rapid development of gene technology, nowadays, departs from being only a field of inquiry but extends itself to our daily lives in various areas from health to food and from objects we use to our pets. Genetically modified organisms which are the most attractive products of gene technology carry on being the top issues of the world’s agenda.Our article focuses on especially the genetically modified foods and tries to investigate this biotechnological method together with its technique, effects on public health and socioeconomic aspects. The supporters indicate that this technology will be a solution for the malnutrition problem by both increasing production and changing the nutritional value. Also, gene technology will make it possible to decrease the allergenicity of the foods, use them as vaccines and let more people get cheaper foods by decreasing the production costs. The proponents claim that these foods will increase the allergenicity of the foods, antibiotic resistance of the microorganisms and will be toxic to many individuals while it will decrease genetic variation in the world as time passes, increase economic dependency to abroad and small farmers will suffer from this. Since this is a new and rapidly developing technology observations and researches in time would better shed light on this field.
Authors and Affiliations
Ibrahim Kulaç, Yücel Ağırdil, Mehmet Yakin
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