The Synergy of Indonesian National Police and Army in the Effort to Treat Criminal Terrorism
Journal Title: International Journal of Social Science And Human Research - Year 2024, Vol 7, Issue 05
The implementation of synergy between the Indonesian Police, Indonesian National Armed Forces, and the community in the context of overcoming the crime of terrorism, where the problem becomes a legal problem when proposed by the Draft Terrorism Law. The problem in this research is how the legal problems in the implementation of the synergy of the Indonesian Police, the Indonesian National Armed Forces and the Community in the effort to tackle terrorism crime, how the current criminal law policy is applied in overcoming terrorism crime and how is the formulation of criminal law applied in tackling acts criminal terrorism in the future. This research method is empirical juridical, and data is collected from library studies, interviews, and observations. The conceptual framework in the study includes the concept of criminal law policies and the concept of criminal acts of terrorism. The results of this study indicate the efforts to tackle terrorism in Indonesia stem from differences in vision and mission between the Indonesian Police and the Indonesian National Army in the aim of synergizing to eradicate criminal acts of terrorism. The emergence of a narrow mindset of some people who think that the issuance of Police Chief Regulation No. 7 of 2008 concerning Basic Guidelines for Strategy and Implementation of Community Policing in Handling Indonesian Police Tasks is seen as an effort to counteract the activities carried out by Babinsa formed by the Indonesian National Army.
Authors and Affiliations
Sri Endah Wahyuningsih, I Nyoman wasita Triantara, Saprodin, Anis Mashdurohatun, Muchamad Iksan
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