The technique of laparoscopic extraperitoneal simple prostatectomy (adenomectomy) – first experience based on 66 consecuitive cases
Journal Title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych - Year 2011, Vol 24, Issue 1
Introduction and Objectives. The development of endovision techniques in urology make possible to perform laparoscopic enucleation of prostatic adenoma via extraperitoneal approach. Aim of the study present the operative technique of laparoscopic prostate adenomectomy (LAP-Ad).Material and methods. The paper was prepared after team experience based on LAP-Ad performed from January 2006 to March 2010 in 66 cases of symptomatic bladder outflow obstruction and a prostate gland > 60 cc. Prostatic size on TRUS, operative times, intraoperative blood loss, transfusion rate, complications, catheterization period, irrigation requirements, hospitalization time and surgical specimen weight were determined prospectively.Results. In every patients the procedure was preformed without conversion to standard, open techique. Average patient age was 71.2 ± 6.5 (range 55-78 years). Average operating time was 55 min ± SD 10.0 (range 45-85 min). A mean prostate volume on TRUS of 85 cm3 ± SD 10.0 (range 70-100 cm3). Mean estimated blood loss was 200 ml ± SD 20.0 (range 100-250 ml). Blood transfusion was not necessary in all cases. Mean postoperative catheterization period was 7 days ± SD 1.0 (range 6-9days). The drain remained in place an average of 2.5 ± SD 0.5 days (range 2-3 days). Mean duration of postoperative hospital stay was 5 ± SD 2.0 days (range 5-10 days). No postoperative complications were reported. Only two patients with preoperative urinary retention presented with mild urinary incontinence requiring a small urinary pad every 24 hours. No new erectile dysfunction was reported. Mean weight of the enucleated tissue was 85.5 ± 14.9 g (range 65-100 g). Postoperative pathological diagnosis was benign prostatic hyperplasia in all cases.Conclusions. LAP-Ad is an effective, technically easy and considerably less invasive procedure from open prostatic surgery. LAP-Ad makes possible to perform efficient and safe adenoma of the prostate enucleation in cases of advanced benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Authors and Affiliations
Piotr Chłosta, John Varkarakis, Tomasz Drewa, Paweł Olejniczak, Mateusz Obarzanowski, Jakub Dobruch, Artur Antoniewicz, Andrzej Borówka
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