The Transcultural Concepts in Hari Kunzru’s Short Fiction and Their Impact on the Later Works of the Author
Journal Title: humanistica 21 - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 1
The article introduces the collection of stories written by Hari Kunzru entitled Noise. They take up the issues of identity in the world of cultural influences and permeations, technology and religion. Furthermore, the stories, as well as the novels depict a transcultural reality as contradicted to the multicultural or intercultural one. It presents the hybridity of the contemporary culture and society, not their mere variety The proved above tendency of the writer to build a kind of vertical structure within a text has its starting point in the collection in question in which the author applies such a model in order to present elements of even distant cultures more effectively and naturally. The mixture of cultures, ethnicities, religions, lifestyles and classes is much more visible when observed from the top position. The collection initiates the concept of the translit fiction, particularly in “Memories of Decadence”. Finally, the stories and the novels bear intertextual relationships with other literary texts, which locates Hari Kunzru’s prose in a broader cultural context which includes Hindu, Slavic, Irish, Scandinavian and Native American mythology as well as Australian and British masterpieces, ancient drama and contemporary American and French literature. The intertextual relationships enable to decipher the meaning of the image of noise and deepen certain themes of the texts. Although, the novels of Hari Kunzru offer a much more developed and mature form of the presented devices, it is highly useful not to omit the short story collection Noise on the reader’s literary journey with Hari Kunzru.
Authors and Affiliations
Agata Marcinkowska-Wajner
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