The Transition from the Budget Balance to the Financing or Outfitting Capacity with Econometric Methods Using Fiscality
Journal Title: Revista Romana de Statistica - Year 2014, Vol 62, Issue 4
Countries in transition are faced with lack of experience in terms of analytical techniques to time-series (seasonal adjustment for example), and in most cases the series are not long enough to allow a cyclical analysis. Romania is presently in a period of transition in all aspects of social, economic and political. The system of national accounts includes six main headings of auditors highlighting economic complementary phenomens so income sectors are treated as expenses for other. National accounts are the most important source of information about the State of an economy at a particular point being built starting from the economic theory, but considering the techniques used in accounting. Using the linear regression model parameters estimation through the method of least squares or maximum truth-like method and using the data provided by national accounts, detailed components, we can make the transition from the budgetary balance in capacity or funding requirements.
Authors and Affiliations
Raluca Andreea MIHALACHE
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