The Triple Helix model of Silicon Valley and Ecuador
Journal Title: MASKANA - Year 2016, Vol 7, Issue 2
Silicon Valley emerged as a center of research and innovative technological development. The unprecedented success of Silicon Valley is a result of the interaction between the structural transformation of technology and economic resources, and the social, cultural and institutional conditions of entrepreneurship. Ecuador created recently the City of Knowledge “Yachay”; named the “Ecuadorian Silicon Valley”. The objective of this paper is to analyze the Government-Industry, Government-University, and University-Industry interactions in Silicon Valley and Ecuador in general, as basis for the identification of achievements and gaps. First, a brief review of the historical evolution of Silicon Valley during its 70 years of existence is given, highlighting the amazing and unexpected growth and technological and economic progress. The methodology used in this article is the Triple Helix model enabling to analyze the interactions between the three sectors: Government, Industry, and University. The initial double helix Government-University and University-Industry interactions in Silicon Valley converged over time into the triple helix University-Industry-Government relations. This article identifies the limitations of the relationships and suggest the strategies that the Ecuadorian government should pursue and implement the ones that lead the Valley to success. Ecuador is now trying to develop a knowledge economy in anticipation that someday its economy based on natural resources might dry up.
Authors and Affiliations
Yolanda E. Ledesma, Angel R. Cobos
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