The Types and Pragmatic Effect of Foregrounding in English Literary and Newspaper Texts
Journal Title: Філологічний дискурс - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 7
The paper characterizes the stylistic device of foregrounding in the short stories of modern American writers as well as in British and American newspaper texts. It is determined that the quantitative aspect of foregrounding in flash fiction stories includes stylistic convergence and syntactical repetitions (parallelism) while the qualitative aspect is realized by means of metaphors, antithesis, gradation. In newspaper texts the qualitative aspect of foregrounding prevails which involves deviation – lexical and stylistic neologisms and stylistic transposition. The presence of foregrounding in strong position of literary texts creates considerable pragmatic effect and emphasizes the main theme of the stories.
Authors and Affiliations
Олександр Ємець
Міфологічні коди, риси символізму у поезії Віри Вовк: провідні мотиви, семантичне дешифрування образу, поетика художньої реалізації
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