The use of hypertonic sea-water solution in patients after surgery of the nose and paranasal sinuses
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2010, Vol 64, Issue 1
Surgical operations on the nose are very common otorhinolaryngological procedures. The surgical outcome depends not only on the performance of the procedure itself but also on the postoperative care of the nasal cavities. Clinicians continue their search for agents which would promote cleansing of the nasal cavities and regeneration of the nasal mucosa postoperatively. The aim of the study: was a retrospective evaluation of the effect of the product Marimer Hypertonic on symptoms in patients who had undergone nasal surgery (septoplasty, functional endoscopic sinus surgery, surgical removal of nasal polyps). Conclusions: The findings of the present study support the investigators’ opinion that the use of hypertonic sea-water solution, i.e. the product Marimer Hypertonic should be recommended for nasal douching after corrective nasal septal surgery (septoplasty), functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) and surgical removal of nasal polyps (polypectomy). The use of Marimer Hypertonic facilitates maintenance o f normal patency of the nasal cavities, reduces the amount of abnormal nasal discharge and crusting and speeds up healing of iatrogenic injuries of the mucous membrane of the nose.
Authors and Affiliations
Piotr Rapiejko, Dariusz Jurkiewicz
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