The use of municipal sewage sludge and lignite coal fly ashes in the production of fertiliser granulates

Journal Title: CHEMIK nauka-technika-rynek - Year 2012, Vol 66, Issue 11


The research aimed to develop methods for use of municipal sewage sludge and high-calcium ash from brown coal to produce organic-mineral granules, enriching the soil with organic matter and nutrients for plants. The mixtures were granulated with water and pulp (after absorption) obtained from the process carried out in the Chemical Fosfan SA in Szczecin, sodium lignosulphonate, and dextrin. The results show that the processes of granulation organic and mineral mixtures can be carried out only with water or pulp (after absorption). Municipal sewage sludge after chemical (heavy metals) and microbiological analysis (bacteria of the genus Salmonella and gastrointestinal parasite eggs) and brown coal ash can be used for the production of organic and mineral granules. In order to qualify granules to a group of organic and mineral fertilizers, it requires the addition of between 5 and 10% mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The best solution is adding dusty single superphosphate and ammonium sulphate because these compounds improved the process of granulation organic and mineral mixtures.

Authors and Affiliations

Edward Krzywy, Jacek Ciubak, Eugeniusz Cydzik, Ewa Możdżer, Małgorzata Kucharska


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How To Cite

Edward Krzywy, Jacek Ciubak, Eugeniusz Cydzik, Ewa Możdżer, Małgorzata Kucharska (2012). The use of municipal sewage sludge and lignite coal fly ashes in the production of fertiliser granulates. CHEMIK nauka-technika-rynek, 66(11), 1163-1168.