The use of non-traditional health-improving systems in psychophysical recreation

Journal Title: Здоровье, спорт, реабилитация - Year 2017, Vol 3, Issue 4


The health of the nation exists in the form of a certain norm of the course of generations, which maintains a certain level of sufficiency of health. The health of the nation is closely linked to the norm of development of social intelligence, education, science, culture, physical education and sports. The new paradigm of health is formed in society by scientists in the field of medicine, psychology, pedagogy. Currently, an active search for the most effective forms and methods of strengthening the health of the population of our country by means of physical culture, in particular - physical recreation, is observed.We investigate the level of reactive and personal anxiety and tendency of compassions in Hatha Yoga volunteers. We determine a positive effect of Hatha Yoga healthy system as a mean of psychophysical recreation for prophylactic of emotional stress, development of personal traits and harmonic personal perfection.

Authors and Affiliations

О. В. Мусієнко, О. С. Лемешко


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  • EP ID EP291484
  • DOI 10.5281/zenodo.1136085
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How To Cite

О. В. Мусієнко, О. С. Лемешко (2017). The use of non-traditional health-improving systems in psychophysical recreation. Здоровье, спорт, реабилитация, 3(4), 48-53.