The Use of Qris as a Payment Transaction That Facilitates the Financial Recording Process in an Effort to Increase the Accountability of MSMEs in Denpasar City, Indonesia
Journal Title: International Journal of Social Science And Human Research - Year 2022, Vol 5, Issue 09
Financial Statement Standards for MSMEs are regulated by the Indonesian Institute of Accountants in the Financial Accounting Standards of Micro, Small, and Medium Entities abbreviated as SAK EMKM. Although there are many benefits obtained when MSMEs record financial statements according to standards, there are still some obstacles, including 65.7% admitting that they do not have a good financial record, and 83.7% rely more on personal funds to finance their business than getting loans from banks (12.7%), relatives (3%), or investors (0.6%). Several researchers have conducted research on the phenomenon of recording financial statements in MSMEs and researchers use these results to develop a research model by trying to explain the indirect relationship between the use of Qris as a payment transaction to the level of accountability through financial recording. This research method uses a Partial Last square (PLS) model with a population of 97,277 MSMEs and a sample of 100 respondents was taken. The results of this study explain that the use of Qris has a direct or indirect effect on Accountability through financial recording. The next suggestion for researchers to test other variables is because from the test results there are still several variables that are able to explain this accountability relationship by 45% when viewed from the R Square Adjusted value.
Authors and Affiliations
Ni Luh Putu Mita Miati, Gde Deny Larasdiputra, I Nyoman Sutapa
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