The usefulness of low-altitude aerial photography for the assessment of channel morphodynamics of a lowland river


The paper presents examples of using low-altitude aerial images of a modern river channel, acquired from an ultralight aircraft. The images have been taken for two sections of the Vistula river: in the Małopolska Gorge and near Dęblin and Gołąb. Alongside with research fl ights, there were also terrestrial investigations, such as echo sounding of the riverbed and geological mapping, carried out in the river channel zone. A comparison of the results of aerial and terrestrial research revealed high clarity of the images, allowing for precise identifi cation of the evidence that indicates the specifi c course of river channel processes. Aerial images taken from ultralight aircrafts can signifi cantly increase the accuracy of geological surveys of river channel zones in the Polish Lowlands due to low logistic requirements.

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  • EP ID EP586276
  • DOI 10.1515/sggw-2017-0008
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How To Cite

Piotr Ostrowski, TOMASZ FALKOWSKI, DARIUSZ KARCZMARZ, PRZEMYSŁAW MĄDRZYCKI, HENRYK SZKUDLARZ (2017). The usefulness of low-altitude aerial photography for the assessment of channel morphodynamics of a lowland river. Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW. Land Reclamation, 49(2), 95-106.