The ways of intensification of agricultural production in Belarus in the late XIX and early XX centuries (according to the materials of periodical press)


This article explores the activities of agricultural communities for development of intensification in the fields of agronomy, animal farming, horse breeding, gardening and for improvement of farmers’ living in Belarus in the late XIX and early XX centuries. The author studied the proposals for development of the level of husbandry in Belarus on the example of activities of Minsk Agricultural Society. The article reveals the progressive influence of the activity of agronomic practice institutions: stations, fields and research farms. It analyzes the public opinion on the preference of developing experimental farms, demonstrative institutions and farms, the results of which had practical importance. The example of Marjino-Gorskaya Agricultural School displays the role of agricultural schools as innovation centers for peasant and landlord farms on a particular territory. The author explored the realization of the agricultural and handicraft exhibition in Minsk in 1901 which was the indicator of progress in agriculture and a factor of introduction of intensive methods of farming into agricultural production in Belarusian provinces.

Authors and Affiliations

Николай Михайлович Забавский, Елена Петровна Цумарева


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How To Cite

Николай Михайлович Забавский, Елена Петровна Цумарева (2017). The ways of intensification of agricultural production in Belarus in the late XIX and early XX centuries (according to the materials of periodical press). Журнал Белорусского государственного университета. История, 0(1), 17-24.