The Yedinoverie Church in the Dnipro Ukraine in the structure of the Russian Orthodox Church (the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries)


In the presented scientific article, an attempt was made to study the origins of the origin of the Yedinoverie Church in the Dnipro Ukraine, the main stages of its development in the 19th and early 20th centuries and the definition of a place of common faith in the structure of the Russian Orthodox Church. Historical conditions and peculiarities of the emergence of uniformity are analyzed as a form of compromise between the Old Believers and the official Orthodox Church. The role of the Slavonic and Kherson Archbishop Nikifor (Feotoki) in the origin of the common religion and the reaction of the Holy Synod to its actions is examined. The process of creating Yedinoverie Church and the dynamics of its development in different regions of the Dnipro Ukraine is studied. In the context of the topic under consideration, scientific and interest documents are published and archived, which give an opportunity to consider certain aspects of the activities of the clergymen of the faith Edinoverie Church. The attitude of soviet power and the official Orthodox Church to the unity of faith at various stages of the period under investigation is considered. The main criteria of pressure on the Old Believers to join them in the Yedinoverie Church are clarified. It is noted that the activities of the Russian government did not bring the desired results and the number of co-religionists did not increase significantly. The reasons were the unwillingness of the Old Believers to change their spiritual priorities and the disappointment in the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church. With time, already in the first half of the XX century, the Yedinoverie Church, fulfilling its mission of associating schismatics with official Orthodoxy, became an integral part of the Russian Orthodox Church. Its church temples and monasteries gradually changed their status to Orthodox.

Authors and Affiliations

Natalia Dianova


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  • EP ID EP606001
  • DOI 10.15421/30180107
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How To Cite

Natalia Dianova (2018). The Yedinoverie Church in the Dnipro Ukraine in the structure of the Russian Orthodox Church (the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries). Наддніпрянська Україна : історичні процеси, події, постаті, 1(), 105-118.