Theoretical and methodological aspects of the difficult physical activities in the training process of the gymnasts’ motor behavior

Journal Title: Știința culturii fizice - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 30


The modern artistic gymnastics requires the synthesizing of the most efficient theoretical and methodological approaches concerning the process of learning the technique of the elements with a high level of difficulty that are provided in the actual competition program. One of the most constant problems of this sport is to create an efficient motor behaviour that would contain diverse difficult physical actions, with a high level of spectacularity during the gymnast’s performance at each of the competition’s events.

Authors and Affiliations

Victor Buftea


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How To Cite

Victor Buftea (2018). Theoretical and methodological aspects of the difficult physical activities in the training process of the gymnasts’ motor behavior. Știința culturii fizice, 1(30), 47-51.