Theoretical and Methodological Basiсs of Evaluating Scientific Practice Effectiveness in Ukraine


With the development of information society, a crucial role is played by knowledge, a growing general public interest in the determination of the performance criteria of scientific research, because rational use of scientific potential and its growth and positioning in the international arena depend on it greatly. That is why the purpose of carrying out this work is a synthesis of existing in Ukraine theoretical and methodological approaches to the evaluation of scientific activity and their comparison with other countries. The article analyzes the regulatory support evaluation of academic institutions and staff research activities. The approaches and indicators proposed by scientists to assess the impact of scientific activities are studied. The Forms, methods and evaluation trends of academic institutions and research performance used in highly developed countries are observed. The necessity of scientific activity evaluati on in Ukraine is defined. Summarizing the research, the following conclusions can be made: in Ukraine there are no optimal methodical approaches or clear criteria, which would give a real assessment of scientific activity effectiveness. The experience of highly developed countries demonstrates the need to create their own performance evaluation methods and performance research activities individually for each country. The use of the same evaluation criteria in Ukraine will allow us to follow the dynamics of the performance indicators of scientific activity that can help define problems, which do not give rational use of the existing scientific potential and prospects of further science development.

Authors and Affiliations

Andrii Karpenko, Yuliya Budytska


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How To Cite

Andrii Karpenko, Yuliya Budytska (2017). Theoretical and Methodological Basiсs of Evaluating Scientific Practice Effectiveness in Ukraine. Центральноукраїнський науковий вісник. Економічні науки., 31(), 51-57.