Theoretical Aspects Concerning the Inflation Analysis

Journal Title: Revista Romana de Statistica - Year 2013, Vol 61, Issue 1


Definition of inflation was the victim of a "war" theory of money growth and general price increase. What was once described as a monetary issue is now presented as a price effect. This change of position sense supporters anti-inflation complicated by the simple fact that inflation based on prices may have, as I mentioned with several causes, making it difficult to identify solutions to eliminate this phenomenon. When inflation was a question of money with one location, namely the central bank and a single solution - reducing the rate of monetary expansion.

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How To Cite

Constantin ANGHELACHE, Dan CRUCERU, Vergil VOINEAGU, Radu Titus MARINESCU (2013). Theoretical Aspects Concerning the Inflation Analysis. Revista Romana de Statistica, 61(1), 25-31.