Theoretical model of synergetic interactions of methylglyoxal and vitamin C

Journal Title: Kosmetologia Estetyczna - Year 2012, Vol 1, Issue 1


The paper concerns the research on the effects of interaction between methylglyoxal and vitamin C, as well as the complex of these two compounds with different amounts of water molecules attached. The calculations were realized by means of Gausian programme, basing on B3LYP/6-31G (d,p) level of theory. Both compounds are active components of numerous cosmetics. They are believed to have antineoplastic properties. The results of examinations revealed that ascorbic acid and methyloglyoxal can be useful in treatment of cancer, despite the fact that they are unstable compounds, rapidly eliminated from the body. The combination of two active substances increases the therapeutic effect. The stability of compound could be enhanced due to formation of hydrogen bonded complexes. The theoretical calculations were performed considering the participation of water molecules. Such an approach simulates the natural conditions of physiological saline of the body. The results prove, that the mutual interaction between compounds is less probable, as they interact with water stronger than with each other, contrary to the gas-phase results.

Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Gładysz, Jerzy Jański, Aleksander Koll


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How To Cite

Katarzyna Gładysz, Jerzy Jański, Aleksander Koll (2012). Theoretical model of synergetic interactions of methylglyoxal and vitamin C. Kosmetologia Estetyczna, 1(1), 35-39.