Theories of pain, up to Descartes and after neuromatrix: what role do they have to develop future paradigms?

Journal Title: Medicina bolu - Year 2018, Vol 3, Issue 1


The article represents a synthesis of literature about antique, medieval and modern pain theories. In short there are described the most relevant theories about nociception and pain. Chronologically there are presented the discoveries in physiology, anatomy, histology and other methods and investigations of pain. There is discussed the character of past pain theories and its influence on elaboration of the new ones. There was elaborated the hypothesis about the neuromatrix theory and impact of human microbiota on pain perception or other comorbidities with psychological and pain component.

Authors and Affiliations

I Burmistr


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  • EP ID EP291753
  • DOI 10.31636/pmjua.v3i1.81
  • Views 99
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How To Cite

I Burmistr (2018). Theories of pain, up to Descartes and after neuromatrix: what role do they have to develop future paradigms?. Medicina bolu, 3(1), 6-13.