Therapeutic efficiency of dietary additives Phytosil-S and Phytosil- S+ in treatment of alcohol dependence syndrome caused by a posttraumatic stress disorder
Journal Title: Поверхня - Year 2017, Vol 24, Issue 9
Dietary supplements Phytosil-S that contains the enterosorbent Silics and dispersed medicinal plants (hawthorn flowers, motherwort grass, melissa herb, thyme grass), and Phytosyl-S+, which further includes hop stems (cones) were developed. Their high therapeutic efficacy in the treatment of alcohol dependence syndrome caused by posttraumatic stress disorder was detected on the example of participants of anti-terrorist operation in the East of Ukraine. No contraindications, side effects and allergic reaction were found.
Authors and Affiliations
V. M. Postrelko, N. O. Lipkovska, M. T. Kartel
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