Therapeutic potential of secondary metabolites produced in the hairy roots cultures
Journal Title: Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine - Year 2015, Vol 69, Issue 0
Plants have always been a source of many valuable substances for humans. Growing advancement of methods of modern biotechnology, combined with genetic engineering techniques, gradually increase the variety of compounds obtained, the number of plant species used and the production efficiency. Consequently, there is an undebatable interest in biotechnological production of such compounds, especially those pharmacologically active, that can be used in treatment of neoplastic, viral, and many other types of diseases. Most of these compounds represent a diverse group of secondary metabolites. One of the effective ways of obtaining such molecules is the utilization of hairy roots cultures. The advantages of such systems make them an attractive method of obtaining important plant-derived compounds, creating an interesting alternative to other methods, including the cell suspension cultures or expensive chemical syntheses.
Authors and Affiliations
Tomasz Kowalczyk, Marta Łucka, Janusz Szemraj,
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