Therapeutic relationship in community psychiatry in the patient and therapist’s perspective
Journal Title: Psychiatria Polska - Year 2011, Vol 45, Issue 5
Summary Aim. Relationship between therapist and his patient remain the principle in psychiatric health care, being related to the treatment course and results. Sustaining a good therapeutic relationship is a key element in community team work, it promotes the creation and maintaining of the therapeutic bond, trust, good contact with patients, which allows outpatient treatment. Authors explore how the therapeutic relationship is estimated by the patients diagnosed with psychosis and their therapists. Method. STAR questionnaire was used to measure the therapeutic relationship in patient’s and therapist’s perspective. Results. Those patients who has children or other experience of a close relationship estimate higher their relationship with therapist. There is an influence of patient’s gender, independence and psychiatric symptoms on the therapeutic relationship from the therapist’s perspective. Therapist’s positive collaboration effects symptoms improvement in patients diagnosed with psychosis. Conclusions. The therapists have to be aware of the other than therapeutic factors which influence the relationship with the patient. There is a need of further studies on therapeutic relationship because the study point out that a positive relationship reduce the psychotic symptoms. It is particularly important to distinguish factors favouring therapeutic relationship maintenance as well as those causing negative effect on therapeutic relationship.
Authors and Affiliations
Małgorzata Sosnowska, Katarzyna Prot-Klinger, Marta Scattergood, Maria Paczkowska, Aleksandra Smolicz
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