Thermo-mechanical analysis of a double notched adhesive lap joint with FEA software


Conventional methods of joining two objects metallic and/or non-metallic are riveting, welding and screw threading. But in few applications above mentioned fastening methods are not possible to be implied on. For example when it is required to fasten a metallic object and a non-metallic object or when the assembly is to be working in a very extreme temperature condition, then conventional fastening processes does not hold good or does not work at all. In these situations adhesive joints are very useful. But it a matter of extreme research to perfectly design an adhesive joint as per the mechanical properties of the components to achieve optimum structural integrity and strength. In the present work an adhesive joint between a metallic and a composite material has been designed and its structural behaviour has been analysed numerically using a Finite Element Analysis software named ANSYS. To analyse the joint using ANSYS, its Cohesive Zone Modelling (CZM) technique has been used.

Authors and Affiliations

Pravesh Kumar Soni, Mr. Hari Ram Chandrakar, Dr. Jeetendra Kumar Tiwari


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Pravesh Kumar Soni, Mr. Hari Ram Chandrakar, Dr. Jeetendra Kumar Tiwari (2016). Thermo-mechanical analysis of a double notched adhesive lap joint with FEA software. International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 4(10), -.