Thermography as a non-invasive, reliable diagnostic tool in medicine - examples
Journal Title: Medical Science Pulse - Year 2015, Vol 9, Issue 4
Thermographic imaging is a measurement of a body surface temperature distribution. The symmetry of the skin temperature distribution is an important indicator of proper physiological body functions. Improper distribution brings information about the disorders which might be the first signals of a developing disease. In recent years, the dynamic expansion of thermographic imaging Is observed in many medical areas such as rheumatology, neurology, rehabilitation, orthopaedics, oncology and sports medicine. Thermography allows to visualize initial patho-physiological changes which are still too small to be detected by any other anatomy imaging techniques which are widely used. It is a valuable addition to standard imaging methods and allows to monitor the therapeutic process (both pharmacological and physiotherapeutic) in a non-stress and, what is particularly important, non-invasive way.
Authors and Affiliations
Ewa Aplas, Magdalena Golachowska, Donata Kurpas
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