Thomas Aquinas and Evolution: A Polemic with Piotr Lichacz’s and William E. Carroll’s Theses
Journal Title: Filozoficzne Aspekty Genezy - Year 2012, Vol 9, Issue 0
This paper concerns the relationship between Thomas Aquinas’ doctrine and the concept of biological evolution. It is a response to theses presented by two catholic authors (Piotr Lichacz and William E. Carroll), according to whom Thomas’ teaching does not exclude, at any point, biological evolution widely accepted in contemporary science. Firstly, the article presents four basic difficulties to the idea presented by Lichacz and Carroll. If Thomas’ teaching could have been reconciled with the idea of evolution it must have been evolution somehow directed by God. Otherwise, evolution is atheistic concept which Thomas would have never agreed on. Nevertheless, this first condition does not solve all unconformities. The other problems to reconcile Thomas Aquinas’ doctrine and contemporary notion of biological evolution are different concept of causality, lack of species transformism in Aquinas’ doctrine and Christian belief that only God himself (in a direct act) can produce a totally new nature ([i]natura perfecta[/i]) in matter. These three substantial ideas do not allow to say that Thomas’ teaching can be compatible with the modern concept of biological evolution. At some points, Aquinas’ doctrine is irrelevant to it, but at other, it directly excludes it.
Authors and Affiliations
Michał Chaberek OP
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