Threats and Challenges for young European Countries in New International Conditions, Using Ukraine and Moldova as a Case Study


Several months ago, during emergency meeting of UN Security Council, General Secretary Antonio Guterres, made a very trebling statement, that Cold war is back and it is even more dangerous than in the 60’s. This is not news for majority of scientific community. New international conflict started in 2014 when Russia annexed Crimean peninsula. New international conflict will definitely change the balance in international relations. The most vulnerable in these new conditions are the young democracies and countries that formed several decades ago due collapse of USSR and the whole communist bloc, Ukraine, Moldova, south Caucasian and Baltic states. Imperial past left a lasting mark on economical, social and political life of newly form states. Soviet social experiments led to good number of problems for the former republics, ranging from political to territorial. Russian Federation uses these problems for her advantage. Surviving in this harsh conditions and reforming their society is the main challenge of young European countries.

Authors and Affiliations

Roman Russu


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  • EP ID EP530252
  • DOI 10.31861/mhpi2018.37-38.56-61
  • Views 77
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How To Cite

Roman Russu (2018). Threats and Challenges for young European Countries in New International Conditions, Using Ukraine and Moldova as a Case Study. Історико-політичні проблеми сучасного світу, 37(), 64-72.