Tuberculosis is one of the major challenges around globe caused by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. As per
WHO, the rate of disease increases by 0.4% per year. DNA Gyrase being a potent target, a promising tool
for the treatm...
Introduction: The global burden of type II diabetes mellitus is alarming. From the available statistics, the
prevalence of diabetes globally is 6.4 % and type II diabetes accounts for 90 % (International Diabetes
Rhinoscleroma is a human specific chronic granulomatous disease caused by Gram negative bacilli,
Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis (1). The specific histologic feature is accumulation of foamy macrophages
called Mikulicz cells...
Background & Objectives: Carcinoma of the breast is the commonest cancer in urban Indian women and
the second commonest cancer in the rural women next to cervical carcinoma. Neo-adjuvant therapy
including pre-operative c...
Objective: To evaluate the effect of pterygium excision on pterygium induced corneal astigmatism
Methods: Hospital based study conducted in a tertiary care centre in Western Maharashtra from August 2014
to March 2015. A...
EP ID EP525765
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How To Cite
Dr Mir Waseem (2017). Thyroid Dysfunction in Rheumatoid Arthritis. Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research, 5(11),
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3D QSAR study of Fluoroquinolone Derivatives as DNA Gyrase Inhibitors
Tuberculosis is one of the major challenges around globe caused by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. As per WHO, the rate of disease increases by 0.4% per year. DNA Gyrase being a potent target, a promising tool for the treatm...
Factors Affecting Nutritional Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in South Eastern Nigeria: A Systematic Review
Introduction: The global burden of type II diabetes mellitus is alarming. From the available statistics, the prevalence of diabetes globally is 6.4 % and type II diabetes accounts for 90 % (International Diabetes Federat...
Rhinoscleroma Presenting As Nasal Mass – A Case Report
Rhinoscleroma is a human specific chronic granulomatous disease caused by Gram negative bacilli, Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis (1). The specific histologic feature is accumulation of foamy macrophages called Mikulicz cells...
Comparative Study of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology and Histopathology in Grading Breast Carcinoma
Background & Objectives: Carcinoma of the breast is the commonest cancer in urban Indian women and the second commonest cancer in the rural women next to cervical carcinoma. Neo-adjuvant therapy including pre-operative c...
Comparison of Pre and Post Operative Corneal Astigmatism following Pterygium Excision and Conjunctival Autograft
Objective: To evaluate the effect of pterygium excision on pterygium induced corneal astigmatism Methods: Hospital based study conducted in a tertiary care centre in Western Maharashtra from August 2014 to March 2015. A...