Tissue specific responses alter the biomass accumulation in wheat under gradual and sudden salt stress 


Salinity is one the major limiting environmental factors which has negative side effects on crop production. The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences between the gradual and sudden salt stress effects on biomass accumulation associated with whole plant development in three different tissues of two wheat species ([i]Triticum aestivum[/i] and [i]Triticum durum[/i]) under hydroponic conditions in the long term. Considering the effects of sudden and gradual stress for biomass accumulation, while importance of salinity x genotype interaction for fresh weights was 5%, association for salinity x tissue type was found as 1% important. Interestingly, root branching and development of lateral roots were much more negatively affected by gradual stress rather than sudden salt application. Our results demonstrated that root and leaf were both critical tissues to test the salt tolerance by physiologically but sheath tissue might be used as an alternative source of variation for solving the interactions between root and leaves in wheat. 

Authors and Affiliations

Aysen Yumurtaci, A. Uncuoglu


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Aysen Yumurtaci, A. Uncuoglu (2012). Tissue specific responses alter the biomass accumulation in wheat under gradual and sudden salt stress . Журнал стресс-физиологии и биохимии, 8(4), 143-156. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-103602