To assess how the surgical plan changes after introducing CT scans
Journal Title: National Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics - Year 2018, Vol 2, Issue 4
Background: This study aims to assess how surgical plans changes after introducing CT scans, which is conducted at Amaltas Institute of Medical Sciences, Dewas, (M.P.) The patient‟s clinical history and examination findings were recorded prospectively in a case record form. Then radiological investigations like X-ray and CT scan were ordered. Opinions of operating consultant surgeon were taken in two separate proformas regarding their findings, diagnosis and plan of management. First opinion was taken on the basis of the X-ray alone and second opinion was taken after showing the CT scans. Any change in the plan of management was noted. Result: After availability of CT scans, bi-condylar plating was done in 04 cases, antero-lateral plating with bone grafting was done in 02 cases, antero-lateral plating was done in 01 cases and postero-medial plating was done in 01 case. These were the cases which were included in, drastic change‟ category. Conclusion: Plain radiographs are indispensable for initial evaluation of patients with acute knee trauma, they should not be replaced by CT scan. Rather CT scan should be used to supplement the plain radiographs for better diagnosis, pre-operative evaluation. Antero-lateral plating planned on X-ray had most “Drastic change” in management plan to include Bone grafting or to undergo Bi-condylar plating after CT scan.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. Gaurav Agarwal
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