To evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching program of knowledge and practice regarding “First Aid” among internship students of Sumandeep Nursing College

Journal Title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue 7


Background: Nursing management of the patient is based upon highly developed nursing assessment and clinical reasoning of skills. The nurse must know about the parameters used for First Aid, proper technique for assessment and appropriate method of documentation. Aims & Objectives: The aim of this study is to evaluate effectiveness of structured teaching program regarding First Aid in order to improve knowledge and practice among internship students of Sumandeep Nursing College. The objectives of the study are: (1)To assess the pre-test on knowledge and practice regarding First Aid among internship students of Sumandeep nursing college at Piparia, Vadodara.(2)To evaluate effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge and practice regarding First Aid among nursing students of Sumandeep nursing college at Piparia, Vadodara.(3)To find out association between pre-test knowledge and practice score with selected demographic data. Material and Method: The selection of design depends upon the purpose of the study, research approach and variable to be studied. One group pre-test, post-test research design, which belongs to pre-experimental design, was selected to assess effectiveness of structured teaching program regarding First Aid among final year nursing students. The evaluation of structured teaching program was done through post-test on the 8th day of implementation of structured teaching program. Results: The “t” value of knowledge and practice (30.61& 29.32) is highly significant at 0.05 level. Hence researcher found association between pre-test and post-test practice score regarding First Aid on internship nursing students. The findings indicate variable such as Age(X2=0.4413), Education (X2=1.7), occupation of parents(X2=0.399), Prior attainment of any course or conference (X2=0.053) shows significance at 0.05 level of significance. Thus it can be interpreted that there is significance association between pre-test levels of knowledge and practice score among nursing students with their selected demographic variables so H2ispartially accepted. Conclusion: The study was undertaken to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching regarding First Aid in order to improve knowledge and practice among internship students of Sumandeep nursing college followed by implementation of structured teaching program. Post day was conducted 8th day after implementation of structured teaching program using the self-structured knowledge questionnaires and practice questionnaire to find out the effectiveness. The paired ‘t’ test was computed between pre-test and post-test score indicate that there was improvement the level of knowledge and practice among internship students. Hence it indicates that structured teaching program was effective.

Authors and Affiliations

Miss Riddhiben R Shukl


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How To Cite

Miss Riddhiben R Shukl (2018). To evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching program of knowledge and practice regarding “First Aid” among internship students of Sumandeep Nursing College. Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research, 6(7), 670-674.