To Follow other than Four Islamic Jurists (Faqih or Imam) A Comparative Study


Is it compulsory on us to always follow one of four commonly known Islamic jurist (faqih or imam) or we can follow other authentic jurist too? In this respect, renowned scholars and jurists have different opinions, some have permitted while others prohibited. However, the fact of the matter is that we don't have any credible support and evidence from the Quran and Sunnah for such Prohibition.

Authors and Affiliations

Mohammad Meherban Barvi


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How To Cite

Mohammad Meherban Barvi (2017). To Follow other than Four Islamic Jurists (Faqih or Imam) A Comparative Study. The Islamic Culture "As-Saqafat-ul Islamia" الثقافة الإسلامية, 37(37), 171-181.