To follow the Jurisprudence of only one Imam for the whole life
Journal Title: The Islamic Culture "As-Saqafat-ul Islamia" الثقافة الإسلامية - Year 2015, Vol 33, Issue 33
Just like a person is free in his faith, a Muslim Jurist Scholar (mujtahid) because of its capability of diligence (ijtihad) is also not allowed to follow any other scholar, but for a person who is not a scholar and follows the jurisprudence of one of the four righteous Imams, is it compulsory for that person to spend the whole life following that jurisprudence only. Is there a choice or not for him to diverge and get help from the jurisprudence of one of the other remaining three righteous Imams? In this article we will discuss on three different opinions upon following the four righteous Imams.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. Muhammad Meherban Barvi
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